Happy Thanksgiving – “I am Grateful for Happiness”

Happy Thanksgiving !  What a year it has been.  I am grateful for your support, questions and comments throughout the year.  I hope you are taking some time to enjoy this Thanksgiving with your loved ones and friends.

I also wanted to share this sweet
essay my 9 year old wrote last week.  She is learning the basics of how to create an essay.  It is simple but also cute and pure.  It reminds me and hopefully all of you to enjoy the simple things in life as well. ...  read more

Why It’s Important to Become a Time Billionaire?

time billionaire

Did you know we only have about 4000 weeks of time in our life?   While the traditional definition of success always focused on money, status, and possessions, it’s a lie.   The only thing that is truly limited in life is time.  It doesn’t matter how rich and powerful a person is.  That person also only has 4000 weeks just like you and I. ...  read more

Want to Learn Something New, Then What’s Stopping You

Alexis, my 9 year old, was asking me all week to teach her how to ride a bike. Finally, I had time on Sunday to lower the seat on her sister’s bike and take her out. Alexis has never been on a two-wheel bike before.

Day 1 of Learning

When we got to the park, I realized she was expecting to learn how to ride the bike that day! When she didn’t get it after a few tries, she was upset. I told her it took me many days to learn to bike. It was the same for her older sister.  ...  read more

I am Enough and So are You

I debated whether to tell you this, as I don’t want to be imperfect in your eyes. I realized however it’s my imperfection that you can relate to. And being imperfect is what make us human and what make me, Me :-)! It’s my trials and tribulations that can help you avoid the mistakes that I have made. It’s the stories about how I learned to overcome challenges that may also inspire you. It’s my imperfections that can help you also accepts yours.  ...  read more

Want to Make a Change in Your life? Take this Six Weeks Course

I took this six weeks course in Feb called Positive Intelligence (PQ) by Shirzad Chamine and it was life changing. I am skeptical of almost all training out there. They are usually too basic, too theoretical, or too temporary in its impact on my life. This course was different. It combined 20% insight with 80% practice daily so that I can apply the learning that day. Taking this course helped me built a new set of habits in my thinking and in my actions. ...  read more

How to Obtain Meaningful Feedback from Your Manager

I was initially surprised when Raina (not her real name) asked this question – how to obtain meaningful feedback from my manager. As we had 10 minutes left in our coaching call, Raina shared her situation and her question. She acknowledged that her manager was quite busy. However she still wished that her manager would give her more concrete feedback in her performance reviews so she knows how to improve.  ...  read more

“5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins” – A Must Read to Transform Your Life

Last weekend, I opened my Audible to decide what to listen to for a long walk. I forgot I bought the “5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins” a few months back. I don’t even remember why I bought it. I figured I would listen to the first chapter and see if it grabs me.

I have been listening to this book since last Sunday and am now on Chapter 8. It’s a must read (or must listen :-)) for anyone that want to transform their work or life. She shares her own gut-wrenching story of defeat, frustration, and shame in her work and personal life and how she accidentally discovered the “5 second rule” that forever changed her life. Her book and her ted talk “How to stop screwing yourself over” is now transforming the lives of millions around the world. ...  read more