The Gift of Covid was More than I Expected – Five Unexpected Gifts

Am I being sarcastic?  Partly.  While there were definitely aspects of Covid that has been a huge pain to my family, there were truly also unexpected gifts.   Covid finally visited our household about 3 weeks ago.  First my husband and nanny got it and were quarantined and then a week later, my older daughter and I got it and switched places with them. ...  read more

My Failures in My 20s and What I Learned from Them

I have never shared these stories before.  Perhaps it’s because it took me 20+ years to realize that I do not need to be ashamed of my “failures.”  Each one taught me something and in reality ended up working out better for me.  🙂  When they happened however, they were devastating to me and especially to my ego. ...  read more

I Have Always Been “Lucky” – Here is How You Can Be Too

As I look back on 2021, I told Hubby we have been very lucky in our life and at my work.   He said “Lei, we make our luck.”  I said “I know, but what does that really mean?”  I always believed in it but had trouble explaining it to others.   Luck is after all based on random chance, right? ...  read more

I am Enough and So are You

I debated whether to tell you this, as I don’t want to be imperfect in your eyes. I realized however it’s my imperfection that you can relate to. And being imperfect is what make us human and what make me, Me :-)! It’s my trials and tribulations that can help you avoid the mistakes that I have made. It’s the stories about how I learned to overcome challenges that may also inspire you. It’s my imperfections that can help you also accepts yours.  ...  read more

Want to Make a Change in Your life? Take this Six Weeks Course

I took this six weeks course in Feb called Positive Intelligence (PQ) by Shirzad Chamine and it was life changing. I am skeptical of almost all training out there. They are usually too basic, too theoretical, or too temporary in its impact on my life. This course was different. It combined 20% insight with 80% practice daily so that I can apply the learning that day. Taking this course helped me built a new set of habits in my thinking and in my actions. ...  read more

Having a Bad Day or Bad Month? Read this and You will Feel Better

Has work been less than ideal? Has life been giving you lemons? it’s not been easy for many with the Covid crisis. I know friends who have lost their jobs and a neighbor who unexpectedly got cancer. Life can be hard.

We probably all have a lot to complain about right now . However, all I feel today is gratitude to be alive. You can have this perspective too if you read this article. Holly was 27-year-old. She died of cancer and left behind final advice  ...  read more

How to Stay Committed to Your New Year Resolutions – 5 Tips

I know it’s March. I intentionally waited until now to talk about New Year Resolutions. We are usually super committed in January and perhaps still a bit in February on our New Year Resolutions. March is when we start slipping. I am hoping this post can reinvigorate our efforts 🙂

It’s human nature to stay waning on our commitments. Life gets too busy or it gets too hard. Here are 5 tips to stay the course or recommit to your New Year Resolutions. ...  read more