Mid-Year Check-In on My New Year Resolutions & a Path Forward

Can you believe we’re halfway through the year already? Time flies.  Are you still working on your New Year Resolutions?  If you are not, don’t worry, you are not alone.   On average only 46% of people are still working on their New Year resolutions after six months.   Whether you are or not, mid year is a good time to check in and perhaps invigorate your pursuit again to achieve your New Year resolutions.    Back in January, I chose three personal resolutions to focus on: Do Less, Love Myself, and Find Myself.   Here is where I am today and how I plan to move forward. ...  read more

How to Increase Your Happiness – Let Go of the Outcome

As an overachiever for many years, I used to only have conditional happiness.   “I will be happy when x, y, z happens”    Sound familiar?   It’s the most detrimental line of thinking and one that had fleeting happiness.   It was my husband that helped me realize that I can decouple my happiness from my achievements or things that happen outside my control...  read more

Do You Work to Live or Live to Work – Answer These 10 Questions

work to live

When I ask this question “do you work to live or live to work?  You may say, “I work to live.”  However are your actions and decision consistent with this response?  Below are 10 questions you can ask yourself to find out if you truly work to live.

Why the Answer to This Question is Not Simple

I think society has taught us – “To be happy we should work to live and not live to work.” as no one on their death bead ever regrets not working enough.   As a result, whenever anyone is asked this question, very few would ever admit that they live to work.  It’s just not as cool.   Our quick answer that “I work to live” actually means – “I want to work to live.  I don’t want to live to work as life is too short. ” ...  read more

How to Improve Your Life and Work Today? Try OACS

improve your life and work

I have been interviewing therapists to see if I can find one that is a good fit.   This post is not about recommending you to get a therapist.  That’s totally up to you.   It’s about sharing a useful tip one therapist shared with me that immediately improve my perspective and thus my life and work.   Apply OCAS!  What is OCAS?  I will get to that in a few paragraph. ...  read more

I Turned 50 and I Am Learning the Art of Not Giving a “F*ck”

Hubby gave me a funny present for my birthday this year (see below).   He knows me well and it’s exactly what I needed.  I really cannot believe I am half a century old.  When I say I am 50 to others, I feel like I am talking about someone else.   I always thought that someone who is 50 years old is old and also have their sh*t together because they know how life works by this time. ...  read more

Should I Take a Leave from Work? Absolutely Yes and Here is Why

should i take leave from work

Looking back, I have taken 5 leaves from work already in my 20+ year career.  Some happened unexpectedly and others intentional.  Each time it was a difficult decision or unexpected turn of events.   I want to share my story in case it can help you think about whether you should take a leave from work. ...  read more