What’s Important But Not Urgent That You Are Not Doing for Your Career

Recently, we had a group coaching call on how to increase your productivity – how to maximize and optimize the use of your mental and emotional energy so that you achieve your desired outcome.  One of the topics we touched on was a common mistake most people make in their career – neglecting to do what’s important but not urgent.  ...  read more

Don’t Make These Fatal Mistakes in Your Job Search Communication

For my full time job, I am hiring for 3 digital product managers to lead different aspects of end to end digital migration for our legacy private banking clients.  I wrote this post on Linkedin with some high level descriptions and asked those interested to DM me for a detailed job description.

A Real Example Of a Direct Message I Received

Below is a real message I received from a candidate interested in my posting.  I want to share it with you to help you avoid making the same fatal mistakes she made with her first communication to me, the hiring manager. ...  read more

The Most Detrimental Thought That We All Believe to Be True

Do you believe that your thoughts have power?  They have the power to either  inspire you to greatness or hinder/incapacitate you to a small life.

What is the Most Detrimental Thought We can Have?

We think of this thought weekly.  And worse of it, we believe it to be true.  In fact, everyone around us believe the same because society all around us perpetuate this lie.    The most detrimental thought we can have is these 5 little words.  “I will be happy when…” We all fill in the blank after these 5 little words ...  read more

Why It’s Important to Become a Time Billionaire?

time billionaire

Did you know we only have about 4000 weeks of time in our life?   While the traditional definition of success always focused on money, status, and possessions, it’s a lie.   The only thing that is truly limited in life is time.  It doesn’t matter how rich and powerful a person is.  That person also only has 4000 weeks just like you and I. ...  read more

I am Enough and So are You

I debated whether to tell you this, as I don’t want to be imperfect in your eyes. I realized however it’s my imperfection that you can relate to. And being imperfect is what make us human and what make me, Me :-)! It’s my trials and tribulations that can help you avoid the mistakes that I have made. It’s the stories about how I learned to overcome challenges that may also inspire you. It’s my imperfections that can help you also accepts yours.  ...  read more

Want to Make a Change in Your life? Take this Six Weeks Course

I took this six weeks course in Feb called Positive Intelligence (PQ) by Shirzad Chamine and it was life changing. I am skeptical of almost all training out there. They are usually too basic, too theoretical, or too temporary in its impact on my life. This course was different. It combined 20% insight with 80% practice daily so that I can apply the learning that day. Taking this course helped me built a new set of habits in my thinking and in my actions. ...  read more

Having a Bad Day or Bad Month? Read this and You will Feel Better

Has work been less than ideal? Has life been giving you lemons? it’s not been easy for many with the Covid crisis. I know friends who have lost their jobs and a neighbor who unexpectedly got cancer. Life can be hard.

We probably all have a lot to complain about right now . However, all I feel today is gratitude to be alive. You can have this perspective too if you read this article. Holly was 27-year-old. She died of cancer and left behind final advice  ...  read more