5 Questions to Ask Yourself as You Look Back on This Year

“Time flies,” a common phrase many of us say as we get older. “Where did this year go” is another common expression. As this year draws to a close, it’s time to a do a retrospective – a look back to appreciate and reflect on this year. Here are 5 questions you can ask yourself to better appreciate what you have done & learned this year.  ...  read more

How Professionals can Grow and Learn at Any Age

This is a guest post with edits by Lei Han

Whether you work for an employer who encourages growth or you’re on your own when it comes to professional development, it’s possible for you to continually evolve at any age and in any job.

Professionals Should Develop a Growth Mindset

No matter if you are an employee, entrepreneur, or freelancer, you can develop a growth mindset. A growth mindset allows you to always recognize and take advantage of learning opportunities by purposely seeking them out. You can commit to growth in a number of ways: ...  read more

How to Handle a Difficult Situation as a New Manager

New manager

A member asked me this question recently and agreed that I can share. Let’s call this member – Alex. I really appreciated how much detail Alex shared in his questions. I was able to better guide him toward how to best resolve this difficult situation as a result. Here is Alex’s situation and our email exchanges. Thank you Alex for agreeing to share this. ...  read more

5 Tips to Becoming a Great Manager of High Performing Teams

Becoming a great manager

I think only 50% of managers today are any good.  Of these only about 20% are truly great.  There are many benefits to being a great manager.

  • Talented people want to work for you
  • You can build a high performing team who loves to learn and thrive together 
  • You receive high job satisfaction from helping others develop in their career.  
  • You also get to learn from your team and achieve amazing results together 

Do you want to achieve all these things and become a great manager?  If so, here are five tips to help you. 

Tip 1: Know your work.  You cannot become a great manager if you are not good at the work you own.  You must be the example for your team.   This doesn’t mean you need to know more than all of your team.   What it means, however is that you need to continue to hone your craft and lead from the front. For example,  ...  read more

5 Starting Tips to Be More Strategic at Work

“To get to the next level in your career, you need to be more strategic.” Have you heard this feedback before? If so, read on. It’s one of the most common pieces of feedback given to upcoming professionals as well as the least explained.

“Strategy” is one of the most overused words in the business world. Many professionals use it purely to sound smart but actually have no idea what it means. Here are some good definitions of “strategy.” ...  read more

How to Motivate and Develop Millennials – Five Tips

This is a guest post with edits by Lei Han

Millennials officially became the most populous segment of the U.S. workforce in 2016 and by the following year stood tall at 56 million total contributors. It’s a trend that isn’t going away any time soon, either. 

As Generation X and the baby boomers continue to make room for the new wave of young blood (and begin to look for space for the even larger Generation Z crowd that’s following in their wake) it behooves business leaders to pay attention to the shift in professional attitude and culture that this unique group of employees brings along with them.  ...  read more

It’s Time to Re-evaluate Your Priorities – Ask Yourself 4 Questions

I received shocking news last week. I found out a dear friend and colleague was diagnosed with aggressive spine cancer. It was a complete surprise to him and his wife. I couldn’t believe it until I confirmed it with “Henry” directly.

Henry just retired and is only in his sixties. He is one of the most positive people I have ever met. Underneath an initial tough exterior, Henry is like “Grandpa Santa Claus” – he laughs with his belly; he gives great hugs, and he can stay calm under the most stressful circumstances. ...  read more