How to Stay Committed to Your New Year Resolutions – 5 Tips

I know it’s March. I intentionally waited until now to talk about New Year Resolutions. We are usually super committed in January and perhaps still a bit in February on our New Year Resolutions. March is when we start slipping. I am hoping this post can reinvigorate our efforts 🙂

It’s human nature to stay waning on our commitments. Life gets too busy or it gets too hard. Here are 5 tips to stay the course or recommit to your New Year Resolutions. ...  read more

What Did You Learn from 2020 – 3 Tough Lessons I Learned

Happy New Year! Everyone wants to forget 2020; however I think it’s a year to remember. This has been the most memorable year in almost a century. Despite all the difficulties, I feel fortunate to have my family, health, and a better appreciation for the simple things in life.

While we all hope 2021 will be a better year, it is still unclear how long we will be in our current state or if we would ever go back to the way we were prior to March 2020. While I miss seeing my parents in person, traveling, and gathering with friends, I also gained much more time with my family and loved living a much simpler life with my husband and kids.  ...  read more

Steve Jobs Didn’t Say These Words, But You Should Read Them Anyway

A few months ago, “Janet”, one of my best friends, sent me a shocking message. She was diagnosed with nerve deafness! “What the heck is that?”I asked. It meant she is mostly deaf in one ear and only salvages the hearing in her other ear with strong drugs and mandatory rest. 🙁 She added her doctors did not know the root cause.  ...  read more

How to Be Happy at Work – Ask Yourself 3 Questions Every Two Years

Are you happy at work? A 2019 study conducted by CNBC of 8600 professionals across multiple industries showed that 85% of American professionals are somewhat or very satisfied at work. Ironically the same study also shared “30% have seriously considered quitting their job in the last three months.”  ...  read more

“Maybe I am too old …?” This funny video will help you stop that thinking

Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing fathers and grandfathers today! This article is inspired by my dad who is brilliant, fearless, and my hero.

My dad is 76 years old and takes long walks with my mom every morning and works out regularly. Thankfully both of my parents are healthy and safe during the current craziness. He still works full time even though he is “retired” and he loves it. He is a world renowned physicist and before COVID, travelled all over the world sharing his research with large oil consortiums. Now he does it via Zoom! ...  read more

Outraged by George Floyd’s Death? 4 Difficult Actions to Take to Drive Change

I struggled with what to say and how to feel after watching the blatant racism and senseless killing of George Floyd. I just cried. How can this be happening in 2020? I always thought I was doing enough by being “color blind” when it comes to interacting with anyone.

I realized however that I haven’t done enough. I came across this video 2 weeks ago and watched it with anguish and sadness.  ...  read more

5 Reasons You Should Sign Up for a “Race” You Don’t Think You Can Do

Well it doesn’t have to be a race. It can be anything you usually say no to. Just try saying yes and see what you learn. I run the Hot Chocolate 15K every year for the last six years. I am thankful every year that my friend Sarah convinced me to run in it for the first time in 2015. And every year I don’t think I can do it, mainly because I don’t really train for it. And every year after I finish, I am thankful I signed up and did it.  ...  read more